In the aftermath of love’s wild aura
With panic on the cusp of sleep,
When shadows of regret envelop,
There is a moment only
When warmth evokes a grin.
In the aftermath of the shooters wild spree
No adequate explanation for reason,
Why this time, this place, these people,
Caught in a hatred moment
Lost from living who remain.
In the aftermath of too little too late
Lamenting loss, emotional vent
For something lost by choice
In a moment of solution rummage,
Searching for a benign result.
In the aftermath of red flags realized,
Recriminations cast one to another,
A game of sorts, no clarity achieved
In a confused moment of rhetoric
With nothing substantive said.
In the aftermath of prologue rewritten,
With expectations strewn around,
Questions arise about knowing
In a broken moment of memory loss
Amidst scattered hopeful nervous laughter.
After the aftermath much to reflect on,
Regrets may linger, then lost,
Moral compass learned from experience,
Then in a moment of lucid private cerebral
Realize new normal to be forged.