Mystery oh mystery
enigma in blue jeans.
Vast beyond place
vast beyond space.
A child asks ‘why?’
so many questions.
Black holes black
black holes not there.
Children at play
mercurial conundrum.
Deep waters dark
deep waters live.
Someone under covers
giggling and wiggling about.
Language deeply embedded
language deeply required.
Unknowns grab attention
evoking curiosity.
Woodlot voices above
woodlot voices beneath.
Teasing with tantalizing
cryptic clues confound.
Tall woody giants
tall woody leafy.
A story’s first line
no answers given.
Political system machinations
political system rhetoric.
Imagination triggered
titles, book covers, shoulders bare.
Ancient ancestors origin
ancient ancestors migration.
Seeking to find out
minds wonder, wander.
Science pursues discovery
science pursues ‘why’.
Piecing puzzles together
shape slowly shows.
Teacher for all time
mystery oh mystery.
©️Steve Tubb, July 2022