If We Act Now

If we act now, then,

Time can be on our side,

The playwright succeeding

With script and characters and scenes

Colours to come and go

Limits avoided, options remaining open.

If we act now, then,

We can live and love and grow

Into a new world

Where rivers run clean

With extremes in retreat,

Heritage preserved in perspective.

If we act now, then,

Another day welcomed

For the pleasures contained

On the breezes gently ruffling

In the canopy and colours beneath

Where we walk for solace.

If we act now, then,

Urban centres can be transformed

By agriculture and forestry

In places and opportunity

At the scale of humanity

With food, water and energy secure.

If we act now, then,

Dependence on fossil energy

Increasing green house, averted,

Anomaly age curtained

Sustainable conditions possible

In an uncertain future.

©️Steven Tubb, October 2020