So Clever
Oh, we are so clever,
Look how far we’ve come
Systems ubiquitous
Believing we’re in control
Choices made, paths taken,
Journey in over-drive,
Facing forward, intent,
No reflecting, content.
Ah, we are so clever
Chasing more and more,
Locked in, running free,
No time to reconsider.
Pleasures we seek,
Limits ignored,
Mantra for growth
Pining, mining for more.
Oh, we’ve been so clever
Finding persuasive leaders,
Singing different tunes,
Chanting same old lyric.
But, words of discontent
Heard from our towers
Penetrate our pleasures,
Privilege not tall enough.
Oh, we are so clever,
But, fail to really see
The folly in choices
Leading you and me.
From tall towers,
Indeed the view is fine
While basking in pleasures and profits,
No gutter wallowing with wine.
Yes, we are clever you and I
Gliding through life,
Remotely manipulating
Puppet strings galore.
Gains pursued,
Consequences ensued,
Not a concern,
Just carry on.
©️Steven Tubb, May, 2020